Sunday, May 27, 2018

Layers of Inspiration

Sitting on the patio last evening, I was watching the sky (surprise!). Beautiful sunsets are no rarity here, they are almost expected. The layers of pink, gold and soft lilac were like a balm after the end of a difficult day. One could just sit there and soak up the balm. Everything all better now.

While watching those layers softly move and change, it came to me that our world is presented to us in layers. Last night's first layer: the sky - up close and infinitely far away at the same moment. Next layer, mountains and mesas, 15 miles away and 50 miles away. Then trees, and finally the little "details" -- hopping and chirping birds, flowers and butterflies.

What a beautiful world we live in!

Nighthawks at Sunset

Monday, January 29, 2018

Love and Laughter

I have been inspired lately by love and laughter -- love for my lil stinker, Boogie (his name is really Bandit, but I call him Boogie unless I am yelling at him for chasing down and biting brother), and laughter at some of the things he does. Like drinking out of my coffee cup. Or tea cup. Or whatever I am drinking. You might not think cats like iced tea, but Boogie does. He likes the almond milk I put on Cheerios. He likes melted ice cream (but not Hagen Dasz Coffee, for some reason).

"Boogie Likes Cream in my Coffee!"
Love might seem like an obvious emotional inspiration, but how about amusement and even laughing out loud? The kind of amusement that makes you grab your camera? It worked for me here!